Bootstrap 3 Media Query – Typography Lists – Responsive Images Button Groups – Navbar – Labels Thumbnails – Alerts Panels – Media Object – Bootstrap plugins – Final Assessment Answer

Bootstrap 3 Media Query – Typography Lists – Responsive Images Button Groups – Navbar – Labels Thumbnails – Alerts Panels – Media Object - Bootstrap plugins – Final Assessment Answer
Bootstrap Framework Hands-on Solutions Fresco Play MCQ


Bootstrap 3 is a free, open- source and intuitive mobile first front-end framework for quicker and easier web development.

It was developed by Jacob Thornton and Mark Otto at Twitter

Bootstrap uses CSS HTML and JavaScript

Bootstrap allows you to create responsive web designs with ease.

Bootstrap 3

Assessment: Bootstrap CSS

1.Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap?

A. All the options mentioned

B. Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile- first friend- end framework for faster and easier web development.

C. Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto

and Jacob Thornton at Twitter.

D. It uses HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Answer: All the options mentioned

2.Which of the following is true about Bootstrap help text?

A. None of the option

B. Both the options mentioned

C. Bootstrap form controls can have a block-level help text that flows with the inputs.

D. To add a full with block of content, use .help- block after the <input>.

Answer: Both the options mentioned

3.The bootstrap grid system works across multiple devices.

A. False

B. True

Answer: True

Assessment: Bootstrap Components

1.Which of the following Bootstrap style is used to create a vertical pills navigation?

A. .nav, .nav-tabs, . nav-justified

B. .nav, .nav-pills

C. .nav, .nav-tabs

D. .nav, .nav-pills, .nav-stacked

Answer: nav, .nav-pills, .nav-stacked

2.Which is the default form in bootstrap?

A. Vertical form

B. Inline form

C. Horizontal form

D. None of the options

Answer: Vertical form

3. Which of the following is the default layout of a Bootstrap form?

A. .inline

B. .horizontal

C. .None of the options

D. .vertical

Answer: .vertical

Assessment: Bootstrap Plugins

1.Which of the following is correct about Transition Plugins?

A. Transition.js is a basic helper for transitionEnd events as well as CSS transition emulator.

B. None of the options

C. Both the options

D. It is used by the other plugins to check for CSS transition support and to catch hanging transitions.

Answer: Both the options

2.Which of the following is correct about the data-animation data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

A. It it specifies how to position the popover (that is, top/bottom/left/right/auto).

B. It inserts HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery’s text method will be used to insert content into the DOM.

C. It applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.

D. It delegates to the specified targets

Answer: It applies a CSS fade transition to the popover.

3.Which of the following classes can be used to add a footer to a panel?

A. . panel-footer

B. None of the options

C. .panel

D. .footer

Answer: .panel- footer

4. Which plugin is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow?

A.  Carousel plugin

B. Affix plugin

C. Transition plugin

D. Popover plugin

Answer: Carousel plugin

Bootstrap Final Assessment Answer:

1.Glyphicons are used for ___________.

A. using different icons like badge.

B. using slideshow

C. using favicon

D. using animation

Answer: using different icons like badge.

2.Which of the following bootstrap button styles indicates that caution should be taken with an action?

A. .btn-link

B. .btn-danger

C. .btn-info

D. .btn-warning

Answer: .btn-warning

3.Which of the following is correct about the data-animation data attribute of Tooltip Plugin?

A. It applies CSS fade transition to the popover.

B. It insert HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery’s text method will be used to insert content into the DOM.

C. It is specifies how to position the popover (that is, top/bottom/left/right/auto).

D. It delegates to the specific targets.

Answer: It applies CSS fade transition to the popover.

4.Bootstrap’s global default font-size is _________.

A. 12px

B. 10px

C. 13px

D. 14px

Answer: 14px

5.Which plugin is used to create a model window?

A. Alert Plugin

B. Carosel Plugin

C. Popover Plugin

D. Modal Plugin

Answer: Modal Plugin

6.Which of the following is correct about data dropdown Plugin?

A. You can toggle the dropdown plugin’s hidden content through JavaScript.

B. None of the option

C. Both the options

D. You can toggle the dropdown plugin’s hidden content through data attributes.

Answer: Both the options

7.Which class should be used to indicate button group?

A. btn-grp

B. btn-group-buttons

C. btn-buttons

D. btn-group

Answer: btn-group

8.Which plugin is used to cycle through elements,  like a slidesho?

A.  Transition plugin

B.  Popover plugin

C.  Carousel plugin

D. Affix plugin

Answer: Carousel plugin

9. Which of the following classes can be used to add a footer to a panel?

A. None of the option

B. .panel- footer

C. .panel

D. .footer

Answer: .panel- footer

10. Which of the following is correct about the data-placement data attribute of popover plugin?

A. It delegates to the specific targets.

B. It applies a CSS fade transition to the pop over.

C. It is specifies how to position the popover (that is, top/bottom/left/right/auto)

D. It insert HTML into the popover. If false, jQuery’s text method will be used to insert content into the DOM.

Answer: It is specifies how to position the popover (that is, top/bottom/left/right/auto)

11.Which of the following is true about Bootstrap help text?

A. Bootstrap form controls can have a block- level help text that flows with the input.

B. None of the options

C. To add a full with block of content, use .help- block after the <input>

D. Both the options mentioned

Answer: Both the options mentioned

12.Which of the following is correct about the data- delay data attribute of tooltip plugin?

A. It defines how the tooltip is triggered.

B. It sets the default title value if the title attribute is not present.

C. It delays showing and hiding the tooltip in milliseconds.

D. It defines default content value if data- contain attribute is not present.

Answer: It delays showing and hiding the tooltip in milliseconds.

13.Which is the default form in Bootstrap?

A. None of the options

B. Vertical form

C. Inline form

D. Horizontal form

Answer: Vertical form

14.The bootstrap grid system is based on how many columns?

A. 9

B. 12

C. 3

D. 6

Answer: 12

15.Which of the following classes makes thumbnail image?

A. .img-thumbnail-imahe

B. .img-thumbnail

C. .img-thumb

D. .img-tmbnail

Answer: .img-thumbnail

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